Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My First Moth Metamorphosis

My mother helped me collect some moth cocoons a couple weeks ago from a Winged Elm that was growing near our pond. We tied fishing line to them and hung them in our back porch. Yesterday, the first Prometheus moth emerged. I could hardly believe how big and beautiful she was! Then just a couple hours later a male Prometheus moth came to our screened porch. He wanted inside of it but he couldn't find a hole. As we tried to catch him with our butterfly nets, he flew up to the top of the porch. We kept on saying "If you want in, you can just get caught in our nets and finally get in!" We finally caught and released him into the screened porch. In less than 5 minutes he found the female. They remained together for several hours and then we found that the female flew to the other side of the porch. We put her in a brown paper bag and let her lay eggs. We have only gotten six eggs so far. We hope we will get more. See picture of the female that I drew.


  1. I wish I was there to watch nature at work. You are a talented little girl. I'll be watching for more of your interesting work. I love you, Grandma

  2. Hey, Ava it's Ryan and Melissa! that's a very nice picture of the prometheus moth. The real thing is also very spectacular!

    We love you!

  3. Thank you Grandma! I wish you were here too. I love you!

  4. Hi Ryan and Melissa! Thank you, I'm glad you liked my drawing and picture of the Prometheus moth. Did you know that Prometheus was the fire-bringer in Greek mythology? I read about him in my mythology book for 3rd grade. I would love to see you sometime.
